Tates Creek Baptist Association connects neighborhood churches together for the common purpose of reaching others for Christ and advancing the Kingdom of God. Provided below is a list of our member churches so that you may find a place to belong in your community.


Berea Baptist Church
310 Chestnut Street
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor:  Kevin Slemp
(859) 986-9391  
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Calvary Baptist Church
614 Richmond Road
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: Wayne Miller
(859) 985-9788
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Emmanuel Baptist Church
1456 Paint Lick Road
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: Joey Kays
(859) 986-2604
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Faith Decision Missionary Baptist Church
1325 Guynn Road
Paint Lick, KY 40461
Pastor: Jimmy Closterman
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Friendship Valley Baptist Church
740 Red Lick Road
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: Ralph Shepperson
(606) 893-3511

Gethsemane Baptist Church
775 Old US Hwy 25
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: Ed Cortez
(859) 986-0655

Liberty Avenue Baptist Church
273 Mt. Vernon Road
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: Ken Felty
(859) 986-9249
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Middletown Baptist Church
2253 Menelaus Road
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: Jesse McCoy
(859) 985-7033   

Pilot Knob Missionary Baptist Church
8091 Battlefield Memorial Highway
Berea, KY 40403
Senior Pastor: Randy Calico
(859) 985-9342
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Silver Creek Baptist Church
1784 Big Hill Road
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: Jimmy Ashcraft
(859) 986-5683

Wallaceton Baptist Church
3375 Guynn Road
Paint Lick, KY 40461
Pastor: Leonard Harrison
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West Side Baptist Church
699 Prince Royal Drive
PO Box 307
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: Allen Livingood
(859) 986-3444
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Knob Lick Baptist Church
3225 Knob Lick Road
Irvine, KY 40336
Pastor: Harry Hoover
(859) 353-2476

Providence Baptist Church
1115 Winston Road
Irvine, KY 40336
Pastor: Brandt Jones
(606) 723-7837


Freedom Baptist Church 487 Freedom Road
Lancaster, KY 40444 Pastor: Mitch Farthing (859) 588-2509

Gilberts Creek Baptist Church
4152 Crab Orchard Road
Lancaster, KY 40444
Pastor: Jerry Browning
(859) 339-3409

Good Hope Baptist Church
388 Walker Pike Road
Paint Lick, KY 40461
(606) 669-8771

Hyattsville Baptist Church
3293 Richmond Road
Lancaster, KY 40444
Pastor: Tim Leadingham
(859) 792-6171
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Liberty Baptist Church
8988 Buckeye Road
Lancaster, KY 40444
Pastor: Johny Friend
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Mt. Tabor Baptist Church
320 Copperhead Road
Paint Lick, KY 40461
Pastor: Damian Phillips
(859) 209-1836
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White Lick Baptist Church
5606 Cartersville Road
Berea, KY 40403
Pastor: David Stewart
(859) 925-4641  
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Bethlehem Baptist Church
2101 Dreyfus Road
Waco, KY  40385
Pastor: Chris Cobb
(859) 986-1711

Clarksville Baptist Church
2063 Berea Road
Richmond, KY 40475
(859) 230-5517

First Baptist Church, Richmond
425 Eastern Bypass
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Travis Farris
(859) 623-4028    
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GracePoint Church
100 Cardinal Drive
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Tony Christian
(859) 353-5233
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Harris Memorial Baptist Church
128 Greens Crossing
Richmond, KY 40475
(859) 621-7544

Kingston Forks Baptist Church
4447 Hays Fork Lane
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Jason Eades
(859) 985-9883
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Kirksville Baptist Church
542 Kirksville Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Dennis Hisle
(859) 328-4922
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Linden St. Baptist Church
1319 Linden Street
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Michael Barnes
(859) 582-3546

Peytontown Baptist Church
240 Peytontown Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Johnathan Tussey
(859) 661-1613

Red House Baptist Church
2301 Red House Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Dwayne Abrahamson
(859) 623-8471
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Rosedale Baptist Church
411 Westover
Richmond, KY 40475
Interim Pastor: Paul Sowders
(859) 623-1771

Stoney Run Baptist Church
608 Stoney Run Road
Richmond, KY 40475
(859) 353-7117

Tates Creek Baptist Church
1255 Boonesboro Road 1
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Rob Taylor
(859) 623-4096 
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Union City Baptist Church
2502 Doylesville Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Interim Pastor: James Poynter   
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Unity Baptist Church
1290 Barnes Mill Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: John Cravens
(859) 624-9464  
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Valley View Baptist Church
3185 Tates Creek Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Pastor: Ronnie Willoughby
(859) 625-2606
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Waco Baptist Church
3646 New Irvine Road
Waco, KY 40385
Pastor: Justin Padgett
(859) 369-5766
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White Hall Baptist Church
3401 Colonel Road
Richmond, KY 40475
Interim Pastor: Greg Lakes
(859) 623-5965
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